Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gettin' Ready For Spring

We have been busy getting our garden ready for planting. Monroe has tilled the soil several times in the last month. I intended to have the soil tested before we began planting but every time I found myself at the feed store I didn't have my soil sample with me. So, when my husband says, "Today we plant.", then today we plant soil test or no soil test. Actually he is not quite that bossy he just doesn't want to fool around with minor details when he gets ready to do something. Skip the soil test, Let's Plant!! We planted red potatoes and sweet potatoes. We have some white potatoes to plant as well. We also planted a variety of lettuces, kale and onions. We will be planting carrots, butternut and spaghetti squash, cantaloupe and watermelon in February. Then in March we can begin to plant other summer vegetables according to the planting guide for our area.
We started by cutting the "eyes" of the potato off.

Then we planted the potato with the eye upward and covered the hole. It is a very easy vegetable to plant and grow. So far we have had great yields with our potato planting. However, I have learned in the few short years we have been gardening that each year's growing and producing varies greatly. Just because we had okra and black-eye peas coming out our ears one summer doesn't mean they will do well the next summer. I also learned another lesson. I tried flash freezing the rattlesnake beans we harvested last summer. Then I packed them in my food saver vacuum bags and put them in my deep freeze. When I cooked them I was very disappointed as they still were very mushy. The taste was good but the texture was not. This summer I will can them and be done with it.
Our farm animals are so funny! I had to include them in this gardening post! Every time we go out to the garden to work they all come around to see what we are up to. I never knew cows could be so curious!

Do you remember the little orphan Brahma bull with the bummed up leg that we inherited? Well, he is getting to be a pretty big fellow. He has such a calm and docile personality. His deformed leg is doing great. If he would have stayed on the huge ranch with the other Brahmas he wouldn't have been able to survive because of all the walking the large herd does daily. He would not have been able to keep up. It looks like his leg has straightened and we can't even tell he has a deformity. Here he is, coming to give us his opinion on our gardening!

And here is Missy or a better name for her would be Ms. Bossy!! She is definitely at the top of the pecking order. That may very well change, however, when Lil' Bit, the Brahma pictured above, grows up.

Then Isannah showed up hoping for some fresh oak leaves for a little snack. Doesn't she look so sweet and pleading?

It was such a nice afternoon to get out and work in the garden. It is always a rewarding feeling to plant those seeds and then see them begin to sprout and grow. Then it is time to battle the BUGS! GRRRR!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Sunday To Remember

This Sunday was a great day for our family. Brandon got saved and was baptized!! We are so excited for him and I know the Lord has many great things in store. Brandon has a tender heart for the things of the Lord and I pray he will continue to honor and put Him first in his life. There are many paths Brandon will face in the near future and being a parent in this day and time can be very challenging, as I am sure you will agree. When my children get older and more independent this is where, as a mother, I want to continue to control their choices and decisions but I have learned to let go slowly (in certain areas) and watch. There are many days I want to yank my little birdies back in my nest and say, "No, no, no, now that's not the way I want you to fly. Come back in the nest and stay a little longer!" However, I cannot do that. God gives us a free will to obey Him and our choices reflect the condition of our heart. So, I pray for all of my children's heart to be soft towards their Savior. Then I pray, pray, and pray some more ;-) Down he goes....Ahhh, a new man in Christ! That water was COLD! The heater for the baptismal pool was broken and Florida has been unusually cold this winter so that made for some freezing cold water. Pastor Tony said Brandon would be sure to remember his Baptism!God is so good! Yes, I am a very blessed mother and wife....and a very blessed Nonna too!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Now somebody has done my Baby Girl wrong!! Just look at that little face!! I can see real tears!! All I can say is it's a good thing this Nonna (Grandma) wasn't around. If you look closely you can see a tiny earring in Reese's right ear. Yep, Mommy went and had my baby... errr....her baby's ears pierced. Brooke has been talking about doing it for a while. I thought this picture sums up Reese's opinion of the whole ordeal. Actually, she only cried for a minute and then she was fine. I really can't complain too much. After all, I did the same thing to Brooke when she was 3 months old. Funny how time changes things though. At my age now, I wouldn't be able to take my baby to get her ears pierced. I just couldn't stand it. I guess that means I am "mellowing" doesn't it? That is the great thing about Grand-parenthood. Monroe and I don't have to do the discipline. Brooke and Ricky are awesome parents and they do not shy away from correcting their little ones. Luke, however, loves a good challenge and somedays (I think Brooke would say most days) Mom and Dad are so happy when bedtime rolls around!

It will be okay Reesie Cup. Nonna will take you out for an ice cream and make it all better!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Few Thoughts For The Day

I had my camera with me at church a few weeks ago and got some really cute pictures of my grandbabies. Here is Reese looking all grown-up. I think these little sandals are about the most adorable things I have seen! Too cute!
And Nonna just happened to have a couple of lollipops in her purse for these two sweeties!

I wanted to share is a few thoughts for the day. These thoughts come from Don Wildmon, founder of The American Family Association. I receive his monthly magazine and in the January issue his employees wrote down sayings they have heard Mr. Wildmon quote frequently. I thought they were very encouraging and I want to pass them along.
1. If you don't have anything to say, then don't.
2. Love the little ones in our lives with reckless abandon! (This one is easy to do!)
3. Hold earthly treasures with an open hand.
4. Dispense much grace to others, much has been dispensed to you.
5. Time to go home; the work will be here tomorrow.
6. God never called me to be successful, just faithful.
7 Give people a chance, even when there may be no reason to do so.
8. The goal of life is not happiness but holiness.
9. Make sure you have the facts right and then tell the truth.
10. Expect the unexpected and deal with it with grace.
And last but not least!
11. Nursery duty is ministry, not drudgery. (Hmmmm... I found this one rather interesting coming from a male-very observant!)
I think Mr. Wildmon is a wise and Godly man. We are very fortunate to have him in our society fighting for the good of the American family. I pray for his health as he has been battling encephalitis since August of last year. I am sure he would appreciate your prayers as well.
Have a blessed day and remember: "The goal of life is not happiness but holiness."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Guys in Camo

This is a rare moment. I just had to make them pose for me. As you can tell, Bradley (with his head turned) is none too happy to be caught wearing camo! That is why it was a rare moment! This is damaging to his skater- dude reputation so don't tell anyone...chuckle, chuckle. In the end, he had to obey his Mother and face the camera. I think I forgot to tell them to smile! Aren't they handsome Southern Gentlemen-well except for Bryce with the banana hanging out of his mouth!
Yep,we have our work cut out for us with the youngest.

And here is my little princess, Reese. WHAT? Is she in camo too? Shhh....don't tell her MOTHER!

Now that Uncle "B" will have her in camo AND out hunting with him soon. We are going to have to keep an eye out on those two.