Monday, June 29, 2009

She has a name!!

Mom and Dad finally made the very important decision of naming our little sweetie. Actually she has had a name for a couple of days-I have just been too busy to blog about it. So sorry. She is officially REESE ELIZABETH! The other name up for debate was Ava Clare. Personally, I love both names but around here Ava is such a common name. Mommy wanted her little girl to have a not so common name so Reese was chosen. Little Reese definitely has her days and nights mixed up and Brooke is exhausted. Other than that both mommy and baby are doing great! Reese looks exactly like Brooke when she was a newborn!! It brings back so many memories for me!
Parker is very serious about his little sister. He wakes up every morning and is so happy to see her. It is amazing to me how much he understands! Last night Poppa was aggravating Parker by giving Reese kisses. Parker kept pushing his Poppa back and telling him "No dat my kisses". After a few minutes of this Parker finally pointed at the front door and told his Poppa "You go work!!" It was a moment that we wished we would have had a video camera going!!
More pictures to come. Brooke wants to do a photo shoot soon. I'll be sure to get those posted.
Gotta run-I need my "baby fix" for today!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

She's Here!!!

Isn't she gorgeous?? Okay, that is coming from a Grandma so maybe my opinion is a little one-sided!! I can't begin to tell you how excited our family is to welcome this new blessing into our lives.

Our beautiful little girl doesn't have a name yet. Mom and Dad are still deciding on two names they have chosen. I'll keep you all updated when they decide. I can tell you that she was born June 24th at 5:10 a.m. and she weighed 7 lbs and 9 oz and measured 20 inches long. I was fortunate to be there when this bundle of joy took her first breath! It was an amazing moment and one I will cherish forever, along with the births of my two grandsons as well! Moments such as these truly make me realize how rich and blessed our family is by the Lord. Not in material things as the world may count richness but in the simple act of holding a new life and seeing the hand of God at work.

Here are a few shots of the older brothers (and Uncle Bryce and Uncle Brandon) when they first see their new sister. Here they are being still-that is a rare moment!

Parker was concerned about his Mommy. He is a protector already. Wonder what he will be like when it comes to a little sister!

Parker has been asking to see his baby for the past few weeks. He was so happy when we told him Mommy was going to the hospital to get his baby sister. He replied, "She come out?" He will be a good big brother.

Luke's first look at the baby. Luke is the little "bulldozer" guy. Watch out little sis!

Parker's turn. He is loving this. Looks like even baby sister is content.

And then we have Poppa! He didn't want to share his little bundle with anyone. I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that he was just as excited as Brooke to have a girl added to the family. I mean anytime we had company come to visit at our house and they had a little girl Monroe was always trying to persuade the poor little girl to come stay with us! Six boys and 26 years later he is one happy Poppa!!!

Uncle Bryce finally got his turn.

And I know this little girl won't have to worry about getting mistreated when her Uncle Brandon is around!

He will be her bodyguard for sure!

With all the excitement going on we forgot to get Uncle Brent and Uncle Brad in on the snapshots. They were with us though. In fact, Brent was the photographer. I am sure we will have more pictures to come. I know what you are thinking ;-) Just bear with us and you can even say it outloud in the comfort of your home cause we can't hear you...."MORE PICTURES!!!"

Friday, June 19, 2009

Still Waiting

We are getting anxious to meet the newest addition to our family. I would tell you her name but she doesn't have one yet! Brooke and Ricky are torn between a couple of names. Hopefully, when they see her and hold her they will be able to choose!

Brooke has one more week to go until her due date. But hey, whose counting???? After all, it has ONLY been 26 YEARS since we have had a little girl around here!!

Since baby girls are on my mind so much lately, I decided to blog about Brooke's shower. I sort of "borrowed" the pictures from Nicki (she doesn't know it...that isn't stealing is it??!! YIKES!) because I didn't have my camera the night of the shower. I am not sure why they came out in different sizes but I am using them anyway.

Here is a picture of the beautiful cake that Jessica brought. It tasted as good as it looked, delicious!!

It was so much fun shopping for a girl. Everyone around here has been having a boy. I can't even shop for a girl for someone else! Here are a few of the wonderful gifts Brooke received. They were all just adorable!

Nicki, how did you know Brooke loves stripes? How funny that your gift matched what Brooke was wearing that night!! You know her too well.

So cute!

I think Brooke has a pair of these for herself! They are polka-dot boxers incase you can't figure out what she is holding.

Everyone was so kind and generous. Brooke was blessed with so many adorable outfits!
Everything was decorated so beautifully! Nicki and Jess did an awesome job!
These four girls have been best friends since they were very young. Their friendships are all still strong. I am sure they must realize what a blessing that is! Left to right is Nicki, Brooke, Beth, and Jessica.

Okay little Ava Clare or Reese Elizabeth come soon! Your Mommy and Nonna can't wait to love on you!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Staking Tomatoes

Whew, we have been so busy lately with all sorts of activities. Our church youth group has several fund raisers throughout the year to send our youth to a week of camp and one of our biggest events was this past weekend. We sold smoked chicken dinners to local businesses on Friday. On Saturday we had a HUGE yard sale, more smoked chicken dinners for sale, a concession stand and a moon walk for the kids to play on, (50 cents donation of course). Also, last week we had a baby shower for Brooke. Let me just say it was PINK!! She was blessed with lots of beautiful girly outfits. What fun! I would have taken pictures of all the happenings but my hubby had the camera and he was gone on a trip to Minnesota! This is a big deal for him. I will share more later on that later.

Anyway, I just wanted to share what I have learned about staking tomatoes. Maybe someone else feels the same way I do about trying to keep these plants upright with the fruit off of the ground!!?? Every summer I dread this task. I have tried many different things and none seem to really work. Well, this time we talked to a friend that has worked on a tomato farm and he told us how they staked tomatoes in large rows. It is very simple and inexpensive (I could probably buy a tomato farm with all the money spent through the years trying different ideas!) so we are going to give it a try! So far it is working great and makes perfect sense.

As you can see, my tomato plants are in deperate need of some help. See, I told you I dreaded this job! However, this picture is a good before and after example of how this all works. First of all you put one (that's right folks, ONE stake-I used to have 4 or 5!!) stake beside each plant like so...
Then, on the first stake you start with a simple knot using twine or jute string.

Next, take the string and go along each stake making a loop like the example below and keeping the string on the same side of the row. For example, string along the front of the row first then at the end of the row go along the back side of the row and loop around each stake again. Tie off with a knot. The string should be pretty low to the ground. As the plants grow you do the same thing again but higher up on the stake. I have found the trick is to keep your string as tight as possible.

I also learned from this friend how to help keep your plants growing upright. Around the bottom of the young plants there are shoots, suckers, that should be pinched off before the plant gets very mature. Here is and example of a sucker. See how the limb below the sucker is growing downward? That is what causes the tomato plant to get so sprawling.

Here you can see what the stringing looks like when completed. It won't be long and I will need to add that second string. My stakes are 36" high. I am not sure if my plants will get too tall and begin to fall over.

You may be wondering why I planted tomatoes by my house. Well, I ran out of room in the garden and we had no landscaping in the back so I thought I would give it a try. The eave of our house leaves a pretty big shade so I am wondering if it will work. We shall see.
Happy gardening!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Little R&R

A dear friend of mine, Brenda, invited us to her "getaway" home in South Alabama for a few days of R&R. The trip ended up being just moms and kids. I think everyone had a lot of fun!! The first day the kids wanted to fish, if you can honestly call it that. As soon as you put your hook in the water you get a bite! A fisherman's dream!! The catfish were so plentiful that the kids would see them swimming around the dock, run and get their net and scoop them up from the shore! Brandon is showing the largest catfish he caught (sorry it is not a very good picture). I am not sure how much it weighed but Brandon was straining holding the net up and he is a pretty strong guy. Here is the bass Brandon caught. Right about now his older brothers are wishing they would have gone along on this trip!!

We hardly saw the young'uns during the day unless Brenda and I went outside to watch them play. They always showed up for mealtime, however, starving from all the exercise and fun.

I can't believe we had a fire going in MAY in the south and it really felt good!! We moms sat around the fire while the kids played. Here they are coming by the fire to warm up too.

It rained every day we were there but that didn't slow anyone down. They played in the rain as long as there was no lightning and loved every minute of it.

This is one of my favorite shots! Doesn't that look like fun? Of course I wouldn't be able to move the next day if I were to try something like that!!

Bryce the muscle man! Oh yeah!
Brooke just looking cute!

One day the kids pretended to have expensive mud baths.
Here they are being silly.

Here is a view from the dock looking over the backyard and house. The previous owners had the long picnic tables built because they often had fish frys. I can see why with such successful fishing in this pond. I intended to get a picture of me and Brenda but I forgot. We all had such a great time. It was very peaceful and relaxing. A perfect way to kick off the summer!

Good-bye Alabama house :-( Great fun, great friends and great memories made here! Thank you Brenda and Brooke for the invitation!
By the way all you fishermen out there, this beautiful piece of property is for sale. If you are interested, just leave me a comment.