Wednesday, January 27, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed.....

Okay, this may not look like much to ya'll but my kids thought I had lost it when they heard me hollering in the kitchen recently. After running in the kitchen to check on me they soon realized what all the commotion was about. Finally, I made a loaf of whole wheat bread that I could slice for sandwich making!! I just had to get a picture of it and show it off.

Trust me, my poor family has had to eat many unrecognizable loaves of my whole wheat bread. They didn't mind too much because the taste was good but the texture and shape just wasn't right. But now I think I have got this figured out...

except for this pitiful loaf. It went through exactly the same process as the above loaf. In fact, it is the other half of the bread recipe. I let them both rise in the same place and baked them at the same time. I can't figure out why it is so bumpy and one end actually caved in a bit. Can any bread makers out there give me some advice? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Then I made the most wonderful recipe of strawberry butter. This is probably one of the most delicious things I have ever put in my mouth! I got the recipe from a dear friend. If you would like to try strawberry butter go here.
You will find the recipe on the right side of the blog page under "Farm Kitchen". Be fore-warned though, ALL of Julie's recipes are delicious!
This delicacy is so easy to make! Brandon smeared it on his slice of bread and devoured it. After he was done he told me how good it was and asked where I got that strawberry cream cheese! It is that light. He couldn't believe it was butter. Hey that sounds familiar. Isn't that a jingle?

I'm thinking this may not be such a good thing for ME however- strawberry butter and fresh homemade bread-hmmm...anybody heard of fat free, low calorie butter :-)


TnFullQuiver said...

Do tell...How did you get it to slice like that? I have been trying for years, and my husband was just questioning my dilema this very morning!
I am happy you enjoyed the strawberry butter...BEWARE...Your hips will not appreciate it.
grace and peace,

Boysaplenty!! said...

I just used a handy gadget that holds your loaf of bread and has tall "prongs" along the sides spaced for each slice of bread. Just use a serated knife and slice. I'll send you a picture of it if you like. I am not describing it very well. If you don't have one of them you MUST get one! They are wonderful.

TnFullQuiver said...

Please send me a picture of it, and where did you get it? I want one!!!! It sounds like a must have.
grace and peace,

krackerjap said...

Ladies, ladies... isnt there more important things in life than how to slice bread?


Unknown said...

no brooke, there isn't, hahah. my computer finally up and running and that bread looks supercalifragelisticexpialidocious or yum yum! yep you keep it up so you can teach me. and do tell about straw/butter, yummy