Thursday, May 21, 2009

I can't believe...

I missed this huge zucchini in the garden!! This is the second oversized one I have found this spring! Maybe it is the variety of zucchini I planted? I'm not sure but I was shocked to find this mammoth one. This single squash is more than enough for a meal, even for a family as big as mine!! I had to use Parker to show the size comparison.

He is amazed as well. I wonder what he is thinking? LOL Probably hoping he doesn't have to eat this ;-)

I have a very handsome model, don't you agree?

This zucchini is so big I think it deserves a name! Come on now, we have a cucumber with a name-you know who I mean.....LarryBoy!!

We have all been very busy in our garden. The Lord has blessed us with a bounty already this spring. We have had rain for 9 consecutive days and our chances for rain are 50% and higher for the remainder of the week. It has been nice to not have to water the garden and everything is growing like crazy! We have harvested green beans, cucumbers, black-eyed peas, okra, squash, carrots, potatoes and rattlesnake beans. There are several watermelons coming along and my tomatoes have some babies coming along as well. The pepper plants, all varieties, are growing very slowly for some reason. It has been hard to keep up but I am loving it! Our grocery bill has been reduced drastically and I am happy knowing exactly what we are eating, well most of the time!


Ginger said...

What do the rattlesnake beans taste like?

Boysaplenty!! said...

Oh, they are very good! They have a sweet taste and are very crisp. After you cook them the brown stripes go away and it looks like a regular green bean. I will definitely plant these again! I will bring you some if want to try them.

krackerjap said...

They taste like rattlesnakes.

Ginger said...

I wanted some until I read Krackerjaps comment. It made me quiver. :)

Sharon said...

I have forgotten how soon you can get a harvest in FL! Ours is going to be a while yet. But I can see us freezing and canning come summer!

Your little model is a cutie!!!!!!!

Sharon said...

I meant to ask you, is Parker the one who is best buds to Connor at church? Dan was telling us about Connor wanting to see someone and I think he said Parker. :)

Unknown said...

wow!are you or were u able to eat that thing?thanks for the stroll thru your alice in wonderland, oops, garden? you have made yourself a full time job, is beautiful and little jack is so cute.merrybell getting so big, wow! your dream is becoming serious reality.i had a good time with you and yours. next time i'll sneak in to be with you and ginger but we can never tell my family, never!