Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Homemade Grill

The good Lord has made it possible for us to have this property and we love to share it with friends and family. Several times a year we have gatherings here. Sometimes it is just another family invited for a meal and other times we have a churchwide function or a family reunion. We enjoy the guests and we always manage to have a great time!

In the past, we always had to borrow a grill whenever we had a large crowd over. After a few times of using a grill graciously loaned by my brother-in-law, Monroe decided to build his own grill. My talented husband tweaked the plans a bit and came up with his own model and I must say the results are mouth watering!! Here he is welding the inside of the grill.

Here is the fire box for the grill. Actually, you might say this is a smoker because Monroe puts the meat on and leaves if for 2 to 3 hours to very slowly cook.

His speciality is ribs but I think my favorite is the whole chicken. If you think you like rotisserie chicken you should try this!
And here is the finished grill. Yes, that is a rifle welded onto the handle. Our friend welded one of his own rifles on as a finishing touch. I like the little pig welded onto the top! When Parker (our 2 yr. old grandson) saw this grill parked in the front yard he said, "I want wide choo-choo!"
I guess the smoke stack made it look like a train to him ;-)
I forgot to mention that this little black mobile grill is the second one he made. Here is a picture of the first one. It is much bigger and stationary. Once in a while we do need both grills going when we have a large crowd like the antique car show we had just a couple of weekends ago. It isn't quite as pretty but boy does it cook some delicious meats!!
We are ready for the big Mathews family reunion in July. I am sure we will have both grills going for a couple of days! When you have 9 brothers and sisters and their children and grandchildren coming plus aunts and uncles it makes for a HUGE gathering!


krackerjap said...

This picture of dad cracks me up!! And he really should go into business selling his meat!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the grill. It looks like an ironclad from the Civil War, the CSS Manassass.

-Best Wishes,
-Clarence from SC.