Saturday, January 17, 2009

Garden Bounty

I have been very busy in the garden this winter! In fact, I have had a hard time keeping up with the wonderful vegetables that need to be either eaten or put in the freezer. If it weren't for my dear friend, Kay, I would STILL be washing and blanching greens!! Thank you, Kay!! The above picture is just a sampling of a day in the garden. We have broccoli, several varieties of greens, rutabagas, beets, carrots, cauliflower and my first attempt at lettuces. I was inspired by a new friend. I love reading her blogs and she has inspired me by sharing about her lettuces and how to store them. I am amazed at how delicious my fresh lettuces have been. What a difference in the taste compared to the grocery store-even when I buy organic. They were very easy to grow too-which is always a plus for me ; )
Here is the red romaine.
This one is called oakleaf.

And this one is a head lettuce called butter-bow-head. Isn't it pretty.

And this, of course, is broccoli. I expected one large head, like I buy in the grocery store but instead I got several shoots per plant like the one shown here. Maybe it is the variety of broccoli that I bought?

The Lord has been gracious and my freezer is filling up with this winter's garden surplus. I love to just go open the freezer door (don't tell my boys I held the door open!) and see how good He has been to provide for my family. I also love knowing where our food is coming from. We are slowly growing or hunting our own meats too. So far we have our own pork, beef and venison. I am anxious to grow our own chickens for meat but Monroe isn't so enthusiastic about that project. He remembers the job of cleaning them when he was a child and has some bad memories/smells to overcome. Oh well, maybe one day. Until then, we will keep our chickens for their yummy eggs! After eating "homegrown" eggs it is hard to eat store bought eggs-even the expensive free range ones.
I would love to have my sisters, brother and their families come for a visit. My freezer is stocked and ready!! Ya'll come on!

Be Blessed,


Unknown said...

that is great news about the different "greens". i have never heard of those. being familiar with the "good ole" kinds. i too will try those in my "boxes" that i will use for gardening here at my fire house. i cannot wait. those pixs are so GREAT!!!.

krackerjap said...

I'm excited too! Free organic food for my family! Keep up the good work mom!
You know, we'd starve to death on the one squash, five green beans and handful of "concrete solid" okra my garden produced this summer.

TnFullQuiver said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! I am so happy for your success!!
grace and peace,