Here you can see that front leg at what I would call the knee joint. See how it is going backwards? Looks like he is double-jointed. Missy and MerryBelle, in the background, are not so sure about their new companion.
It took a couple of days for him to learn to take the bottle but finally we succeeded! I thought this was a very creative shot taken by Brandon.
Parker wanted to pet the new baby. He loves to go to Nanna and Poppa's and see all the animals. As long as Little Bit has a bottle he is very calm. I have fed him so much that anytime I go out to the pasture he runs up to me and starts bumping me. He has come a long way. When we first brought him home Monroe had to practically tackle him to be able to feed him. Finally he figured out that we were there to help him. Now he thinks I am his MOTHER!
I will not comment about you being his momma... lol! Although, I should after you compared me to your goat in labor!
now add the notes to this: HERE COMES LITTLE BIT, HOPING DOWN THE BUNNY TRAIL, DOING WHAT BUNNIES DO ALL THE TIME, OF LOOK HERE COMES ALL THE BABIES HOPING DOWN THE BUNNY TRAIL, AND DON'T THEY ALL LOOK LIKE LITTLE BIT ON THIS TRAIL. TADA!now i don't think he is so cute, if he was a rabbit with those ears, yeah but that or i don't know, now merrybelle is cute but little bit?
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