First of all, Thursday afternoon Bryce and Brandon were playing on the awesome fort (justly named Fort Knox-I'll blog about that soon) that their dad built for them. On the fort they have a rope that they would swing on and climb. On Bryce's turn he swang out higher than usual. When he dropped he landed on his arms. I happened to be watching from the back porch and heard the "pop"! Okay all you Moms out there, don't judge me too harshly because I sort of lost it. I ran out to help Bryce but when I saw his deformed arm I ran back to the house, ran in circles, basically I was NO help!! Wait, I did somehow have the sense to pray. Anyway, thankfully Brooke and Brad were home to help me....errr....Bryce!
We called Dad at work. He came home and we rushed Bryce to the ER. Dad was a bit calmer than me and had enough wits about him to get a picture on the way to the hospital with his phone. That is the reason the pictures are smaller than normal. It looked like he had an elbow at his wrist!! Too much for this mom to see in one of her chickadees! I must say, inspite of his mother, Bryce was a very brave young man! He was crying, of course, but remained calm.
I don't know if you can make it out in this picture of the ex-rays but he broke both bones in his right arm just above the wrist. The big bone was completely displaced causing the deformed look....gulp! The Dr. admitted Bryce to the hospital and put his arm in a splint. The next day the Dr. realigned the bones. Bryce was put to sleep for this procedure. The Lord answered our prayers and no pins were needed. This picture is just before the surgery.
He was released from the hospital the next afternoon. He had a pretty painful weekend with the swelling and throbbing. Can you see the difference in the size of his fingers on both hands? I am happy to report he is doing much better now. Slowly getting around. Does anyone have a remedy for itching....Karen???
Another bump in our road of life happened during the time Bryce was in the hospital. We lost our pregnant goat, MilkyWay. She had some complications and we had been working with her doing all we could to help her but it just wasn't enough. It was very hard for me to take and for a time I felt like I am not cut out for this type of life, having so many animals and getting attached.
And yet another bump. Brooke, who is due in June with our first granddaughter : ), has had some problems with her rib-very, very, painful. It was getting much better but a couple of days ago she sneezed and heard the "pop" again in the same place. She has all the symptoms of Slipped Rib Syndrome. The Dr. has another name that I don't recall. Because she is pregnant there is not really anything she can do to help this condition. She has been coming over so I can help with her boys. She cannot lift or pull on anything. Please keep her in your prayers.
Well, that pretty much sums up life at our house these past few days. We still have so very much to be thankful to the Lord for. Bryce's arm and Brooke's rib will heal! As I looked around in the hospital at the other life-long diseases and sicknesses, I realized how very blessed we are. God is good-All the time!
Have a blessed day!
Wow! Just a few more reasons to keep our loved ones in prayer! I wish I had an answer for the itching. All I can think of is Benadryl. Perhaps Nurse Rhonda can help?
Oh my--what a time you are having. I will pray for you.
That picture of Bryceton's arm makes me sick... ugh! I'm just glad it wasnt his neck!
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