Before I begin, let me just say two things. Number one: No children were harmed in the making of this party. All children were volunteers ;-). And Number two: I apologize for so many pictures...they were so funny I just couldn't choose!!
So, we now officially have another teenager in our home! We have only one child left in the single digits. This is not something I am very happy about. Thanks to Brooke and Ricky for keeping my arms filled with babies. I love you guys!!
Now to explain this birthday party. Brandon has been asking for a "Fear Factor" birthday party since we gave one of his older brothers this type of party a few years ago. The kids absolutely loved it and I recently heard it STILL being talked about. Well, now they have another "Fear Factor" party to talk about. Here is how it all went down.
The first round consisted of eating cold clam chowder with no fingers and no spoons. In the bottom of the bowl was a piece of bubble gum. The first four contestants to successfully blow a bubble proceeded to the next level. They all did pretty well with this round so we moved everyone to the next level.

The final results were....Josh had the best throw and he had to eat the lime, avocado and onion kabob. The other three boys missed the bucket and had to eat a little of everything! The first two to finish moved to the final round.
Josh and Brandon ended up in the final round. In this level, each boy had to bob, not apples....boiled chicken feet or I should say a boiled chicken foot. You see, they had to find the one chicken foot that had painted pink toenails! To add a little excitement to the game, the water was ice water! After bobbing for the foot, the contestant had to crack and drink a farm fresh raw egg.
Here is the happy Fear Factor Bunch!! I think they will remember this day for a long time to come!
really couldn't decide what to do first, no wait, it was decided for me. truly i was laughing so hard with just the pics and not being there, ooooooh i wish i had been there! then really did not whether to throw up (myself) or just try to hang on and look at other pics. this is one of the funniest most sickening party pictures i've ever seen, haha. even being a tomboy growing up,nevernevernever would i have done those things. those girls have some guts!
What a wonderful party. Congrats to you for the originality and for growing another child to teen age. Loved the pictures and descriptions. (Glad I wasn't participating) Give my best wishes to the birthday boy!
I want to know who the genius was that painted the pink toenails. lol
That milk makes me nauseated looking at it right now.
You can really tell the kids had a good time and this is a party that I don't think Brandon will EVER forget!
Wish you would have been here to celebrate with us :(
Kay Cee,
I told Bran HB from you, thanks. As for the originality part the credit goes to the warped minds of Brooke, Ricky and Brent....sick, sick, sick people!! ;-)
I think I came up with the painted toenails part! This was by far the funniest party we have ever thrown! I think all of the adults were laughing till we were crying! But those guys just wouldn't give funny!
Even after Bryce "lost it" he started eating AGAIN! They just want to win sooo badly. Guys are so competitive.
I now have another problem....Bryce's birthday is in a few days....gulp...what am I going to do for his party????
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