Friday, March 6, 2009

A "Honey-Do" Done

I am so excited to finally have my garden irrigated the right way! My hubby has had this job on his "honey-do" list for a long, long, time. I can honestly say that I have not nagged him to get this project underway. You see, my husband is ALWAYS busy about something around our farm. In fact, I would encourage him to take a day off and relax. That, however, is not enjoyment for him. So I have just kept quiet about the watering situation each growing season with my garden. The boys and I would diligently go out and move our water sprinkler to different spots on watering day. But in my heart, I couldn't wait to be able to simply turn on the pump and be done with it! The problem making this project so dreaded was poor planning on our part. When we had our shallow well dug, we did not anticipate having our garden on the opposite side of the property. Therefore, a very long trench had to be dug for the pipework.

One day, out of the clear blue, Monroe came home from his 8 to 6 job and decided to irrigate the garden. Well, I was beside myself with excitement and offered to help in any way I could. Thankfully, my awesome son-in-law, Ricky was over so he helped out with guiding the half-working trench digger. As you can see, they had to use the four-wheeler to help out. Hey, whatever works!

Saturday we got most of our garden planted. There were a few veggies that should have been planted in February but our busy schedules and extra long cold weather this winter prevented us from planting. Hopefully it will not be a problem. I just love getting out and working in the garden! Unfortunately, for some reason I can not tolerate the really hot weather we have in FL. I get so sick if I am out for very long so I am trying to get as much done as I can while the weather is just perfect. That will not last for long and we will soon be smothering in the hot, humid weather I am all too familiar with!Drink up little seeds !! I am looking forward to trying some new ideas on this spring garden. I had the privilege to talk with a gentleman on the phone a few weeks ago. He has a USDA certified organic garden in Plant City and he talked with me for over an hour about organic gardening in FL. I was writing as fast as I could while he gave many different tips. He gave me a recipe for a spray to battle all the bugs we get with spring/summer gardens. So....get ready all you bad bugs. This time I am armed and dangerous!! I'll keep you posted as to who wins this battle!


Unknown said...

so i am assuming, schooling is finished; arrangements have been made for the house cleaning; the meat production plant is closed; the cooks have been trained and you can sit now with bon bon's out there in that BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG GARDEN! what were you thinking!!! ooooh i just luv it but i will not be there when you crop heehee!!!

really i am a leeeetlle jealous over all of it. the garden, the husband, the son in law, the 4 wheeler, the dirt, hhaha

Boysaplenty!! said...

Oh I was enjoying the mental vacation you had going there!! Okay, back to reality. And I will surely miss you being here when my crops are ready!!!! I will probably be calling you to ask how to do somethings.

The Lord knows your heart and I know he hears your prayers. Hang on-who knows what/who is right around the corner!!
Love you!

Sharon said...

I'm catching up on your blog and it looks like you guys and gals have a lot of fun on that farm!

I'll have to say I do not miss that hot, humid FL weather.

Enjoy your garden!

Unknown said...

do share with me the formula he gave you. i've been scrounging on the internet and found some interesting formulas too. so lets compare. the hardest formulas are the ones for the fruit trees. it seems that the stink bugs that love my peach trees are the hardest to kill? that is rogers job, the old fashioned way, know what i mean, uggggh

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely sized garden! You should have plenty to keep you busy.

I think the using to four-wheeler to guide the trench digger was pretty clever!

I can not tolerate the really hot weather we have in FL. I'm feeling it with you!

(btw, your user name-thingy [boysaplenty] caught my eye through Sharon's blog, so I decided to stop by...have a super day!)

Ginger said...

I am so glad that you have irrigation! Now all you have to do is keep the kids and grandkids from playing in the garden on our hot sunny days in the sprinklers. lol