Thursday, June 25, 2009

She's Here!!!

Isn't she gorgeous?? Okay, that is coming from a Grandma so maybe my opinion is a little one-sided!! I can't begin to tell you how excited our family is to welcome this new blessing into our lives.

Our beautiful little girl doesn't have a name yet. Mom and Dad are still deciding on two names they have chosen. I'll keep you all updated when they decide. I can tell you that she was born June 24th at 5:10 a.m. and she weighed 7 lbs and 9 oz and measured 20 inches long. I was fortunate to be there when this bundle of joy took her first breath! It was an amazing moment and one I will cherish forever, along with the births of my two grandsons as well! Moments such as these truly make me realize how rich and blessed our family is by the Lord. Not in material things as the world may count richness but in the simple act of holding a new life and seeing the hand of God at work.

Here are a few shots of the older brothers (and Uncle Bryce and Uncle Brandon) when they first see their new sister. Here they are being still-that is a rare moment!

Parker was concerned about his Mommy. He is a protector already. Wonder what he will be like when it comes to a little sister!

Parker has been asking to see his baby for the past few weeks. He was so happy when we told him Mommy was going to the hospital to get his baby sister. He replied, "She come out?" He will be a good big brother.

Luke's first look at the baby. Luke is the little "bulldozer" guy. Watch out little sis!

Parker's turn. He is loving this. Looks like even baby sister is content.

And then we have Poppa! He didn't want to share his little bundle with anyone. I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that he was just as excited as Brooke to have a girl added to the family. I mean anytime we had company come to visit at our house and they had a little girl Monroe was always trying to persuade the poor little girl to come stay with us! Six boys and 26 years later he is one happy Poppa!!!

Uncle Bryce finally got his turn.

And I know this little girl won't have to worry about getting mistreated when her Uncle Brandon is around!

He will be her bodyguard for sure!

With all the excitement going on we forgot to get Uncle Brent and Uncle Brad in on the snapshots. They were with us though. In fact, Brent was the photographer. I am sure we will have more pictures to come. I know what you are thinking ;-) Just bear with us and you can even say it outloud in the comfort of your home cause we can't hear you...."MORE PICTURES!!!"


TnFullQuiver said...

She is beautiful!!!! Don't you just love the color pink? enjoy your new bundle of love.
grace and peace,

Sharon said...

Congratulations!!!! She is beautiful!!! How exciting that she was born on Carissa's birthday! :)

Don't worry...we love looking at pictures!!!! :D Keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

these pictures don't do her justice, really. she changed so much within hours. she really looks like a little girl!sometimes it is hard to tell the difference but her skin was pink and all, so girly. mommy and daddy did a good job. Thank you Lord you are good and all the time!

Ginger said...

She is beautiful and right now I think she looks like a little "Mathews" baby. I mean, we would take another little "Scott", but I think its fitting that little Reece would look like her mother! Just think, now you and Brooke have someone else to tag along to go shopping! Whippee
p.s. Hide the guns and fishing poles Brooke

KayCee said...

She is beautiful! I did think that by now, there would be a whole new collection of pics. New pink outfits to show off to the world :)Have also been waiting for a name, but thankfully Ginger supplied that. Congratulations again to all of you. What a great family!

Boysaplenty!! said...

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful comments and congrats for Reese! It really means a lot to me to know others are rejoicing with us!

Yes Ginger, I can't wait to take her shopping. There are soooo many cute girl clothes and shoes! I have "oooood" and "aaaahhhhd" over them for so many years. Don't know what we are going to do if we have a little tomboy on our hands like Brooke was!!! We shall do our best to girly her.