Friday, June 19, 2009

Still Waiting

We are getting anxious to meet the newest addition to our family. I would tell you her name but she doesn't have one yet! Brooke and Ricky are torn between a couple of names. Hopefully, when they see her and hold her they will be able to choose!

Brooke has one more week to go until her due date. But hey, whose counting???? After all, it has ONLY been 26 YEARS since we have had a little girl around here!!

Since baby girls are on my mind so much lately, I decided to blog about Brooke's shower. I sort of "borrowed" the pictures from Nicki (she doesn't know it...that isn't stealing is it??!! YIKES!) because I didn't have my camera the night of the shower. I am not sure why they came out in different sizes but I am using them anyway.

Here is a picture of the beautiful cake that Jessica brought. It tasted as good as it looked, delicious!!

It was so much fun shopping for a girl. Everyone around here has been having a boy. I can't even shop for a girl for someone else! Here are a few of the wonderful gifts Brooke received. They were all just adorable!

Nicki, how did you know Brooke loves stripes? How funny that your gift matched what Brooke was wearing that night!! You know her too well.

So cute!

I think Brooke has a pair of these for herself! They are polka-dot boxers incase you can't figure out what she is holding.

Everyone was so kind and generous. Brooke was blessed with so many adorable outfits!
Everything was decorated so beautifully! Nicki and Jess did an awesome job!
These four girls have been best friends since they were very young. Their friendships are all still strong. I am sure they must realize what a blessing that is! Left to right is Nicki, Brooke, Beth, and Jessica.

Okay little Ava Clare or Reese Elizabeth come soon! Your Mommy and Nonna can't wait to love on you!


krackerjap said...

Finally something interesting to read about. Like... myself. JK!
I did have an awesome shower and I think I counted over 50 outfits that night! Thanks to everyone who came and helped us celebrate!!
Part of me is ready to do this and the other part is changing my mind. Guess there's no turning back now!
PS. It's Claire not Clare (if we choose that name.)

Unknown said...

those pics are great. that is/was a beautiful cake. i too love stripes and polka dots and those are perfect on little girls. ooohhh i hope i hope i hope ava gets here soon.luv you all so much!!