It rained every day we were there but that didn't slow anyone down. They played in the rain as long as there was no lightning and loved every minute of it.
This is one of my favorite shots! Doesn't that look like fun? Of course I wouldn't be able to move the next day if I were to try something like that!!
Brooke just looking cute!
Here they are being silly.
Here is a view from the dock looking over the backyard and house. The previous owners had the long picnic tables built because they often had fish frys. I can see why with such successful fishing in this pond. I intended to get a picture of me and Brenda but I forgot. We all had such a great time. It was very peaceful and relaxing. A perfect way to kick off the summer!

Good-bye Alabama house :-( Great fun, great friends and great memories made here! Thank you Brenda and Brooke for the invitation!
Here is a view from the dock looking over the backyard and house. The previous owners had the long picnic tables built because they often had fish frys. I can see why with such successful fishing in this pond. I intended to get a picture of me and Brenda but I forgot. We all had such a great time. It was very peaceful and relaxing. A perfect way to kick off the summer!
Good-bye Alabama house :-( Great fun, great friends and great memories made here! Thank you Brenda and Brooke for the invitation!
By the way all you fishermen out there, this beautiful piece of property is for sale. If you are interested, just leave me a comment.
Wow!!! That's a beautiful place and looks like everyone had a great time! Now my mouth is watering for some fried bass!
These are all good pics. I think my favorite is the "mud bath" ha ha
I can tell they had a blast!
Thanks for letting Hannah tag along.
my sister and i are in the woods, in our make believe house. dolls sitting very still on big logs. it seems to be cool and moist, must have rained. that is the memory that was stoked when viewing pics of a childhood soon to be in recesses of minds.this is one of the scenes that boys, precious ones, will remember!!!
Big fish, big zucchini!! Did either get eaten?
As a matter of fact we did not get to eat the bass but I wish we would have saved it to go with the catfish that we did eat! Yes,we enjoyed the zucchini. It was wonderful!
One of those zucchini fed my family for 2 meals and we still had leftovers! They were huge!
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