Brent and Bradley are not home much with school and jobs so our house has been extremely quiet the past 4 days and I hate it! I miss the antics of the two younger ones, like this for example:
I even miss the gross surprises when I turn around to see this:
And the times when they are so bored that they get creative and make paper clothes....LOL!
And I do so miss these 3 lovies!!!
Oh. I miss Brooke and Ricky too ;-)
My dear family is on the way home. They had such adventures! I can't wait to hear all their stories. Most importantly they got to see SNOW and lots of it! They got to spend every day playing in the snow. I let Brandon take my camera so I will have pictures to show soon. I will keep you posted....
its a whole new world when u find yourself alone in a big ole house.
Can't wait to see the pictures of them playing in the snow! Hope they had a wonderful time! I'm sorry Monroe is having a tough time with his back. I hope he will get much better soon! It does take a long time to heal after a fusion.
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