Saturday, November 13, 2010

Boys Becoming Men

Lately all of the boys have had to pitch in and do more than their fair share of the work around out little farm. With their Dad's back being out, many projects have been put on hold. However, some things just can't wait. Most days the older guys are either at school or work which puts a lot of responsibility on Brandon and Bryce. They have been great about it and Monroe and I are very proud of them.

On this particular day, we had two rolls of hay that needed to be put out in the field. The two youngest had to hook up to the trailer, pull it out in the field and unload the hay. I decided to grab my camera and watch.

Bryce helped Bran hook up to the trailer. Brandon is in the truck
That didn't work very well so Bryce backed the truck up to the trailer while Brandon guided him.

With the trailer hooked up to the truck Brandon drove out to the field. The next to unload two rolls of hay with no dad or big brothers to help. I watched and waited to see how these two would solve this problem.

Now when I saw them attempting this maneuver I thought to myself, "There's no way that will work. Those rolls of hay are way too heavy." I'm glad they couldn't read my thoughts because I probably would have discouraged them. After a couple of minutes of pushing and rocking that hay actually began to move!

Later on that day, after Bradley (the artistic one) got home he gave our rolls of hay a happy face to welcome our family and friends.
Mission accomplished!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Boys will always figure a way to make something work. It's interesting to watch. :)