So, off they go to accomplish the task at hand. Don't they look excited? In reality, the only thing that would be exciting to them about now would be that they got to drive and use this beautiful tractor. It just happened that Monroe was making a repair on the tractor for a friend and he allowed us to use it while we had it
Their job was to tear down a brick wall at the end of our drive. This wall had been an eye-sore since we moved here. It is/was white brick, to match our house, but it was made of a type of sand. It was very dingy looking from years of neglect and when we tried to pressure wash it we noticed it began to come apart. Taking down the wall got put on the bottom of the "to-do" list around here. That is until now!!
The wall came down very easily. Brandon is standing where the wall once was. The chain link fence belongs to the neighbor in the background. It was behind the wall. Now for the large corner post. Here Brent tried to chain the post and pull with the tractor. That didn't work so......
Brandon a.k.a. "Mighty Man" gave it a try! Unbelievable strength but still no luck ;-) One more idea...push it over with the bucket of the tractor. (Notice the county putting in water pipes down the highway. We are not too happy about it! So much for country living, huh?)
And here is the reason it was so hard to tear down! It was buried in the ground with concrete and rebar. We have noticed that with the many repairs and updates we have had to do with this house that it was built extremely well. We have seen that the builders did not cut corners with the materials. We had only lived in this house about a year when our area of Florida was hit with three huge hurricanes. The eye of all three storms went directly over us. We were very concerned about our home since we had not been able to complete alot of the repairs needed. However, the only harmful damage done was that we lost about 20% of the shingles on our roof. After making it through those three hurricanes we felt very confident that this house was well built!
God is good!
Well, if it makes you feel any better I don't even remember ever seeing the "wall". I can't figure out where it was. That is so weird.
Well, I'm glad the guys got to have fun with the tractor for a while. Parker and Luke would definately have gotten a kick out of it.
Oh that does make me feel better! Maybe no one else noticed? It was on the left just as you turn in our drive. Yes, Parker, Luke and Landen would have loved a tractor ride. I didn't even think of that!!
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