Let me explain. You see, Brooke has a photo shoot this morning at a local private school and she needs me to babysit for her. I love to keep my grandbabies but I have never kept Reese for more than a couple of hours because she is a baby that will only take her Mommy's "nursie". She will not even take Mommy's pumped milk in a bottle. And we have tried all types of bottles! This girl knows what she wants!! Funny thing is her Mommy was just the same way!
How sweet! Let me make Uncle Brice's day and tell him that his cute little niece looks like him in this picture. Has anybody else noticed?
Oh mom. Quit being a chicken. She's my little angel! She does no wrong. :)
ok, now tell everyone how she was.
I can't wait for grandchildren. I am so glad you get to enjoy yours!!
Yes I do see the favor!! Never noticed that.
I pray that you are blessed with many grandchildren!! I am praying for your precious daughter-in-law that you will not have to wait much longer!
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