I wasn't present at the photo shoot when these pictures were taken. Brooke took them behind my back and it is a good thing she did because I am weak when it comes to naked newborns and I would have spoiled the shoot and kissed that little darling till she woke up!! Just ask my family. It is an addiction I have when I am around my babies (naked or not)....kiss, kiss, kiss! It is a wonder my own children still have cheeks!!
I mean just look at this little angel. How could anyone resist??? In fact, I think I might have to catch one of my boys running by right now and just give them a big ole kiss after seeing these pictures again. Now where are those guys??....probably hiding if they know I have been looking at Reese's pictures :-)
my understanding from brooke's blog on facebook, monroe should get one of his BIGGG GUNS out? seems to be a little fussing going on about our little reese?
Do you think you could make a way to have an interactive blog? I would love to get ahold of those cheeks (and hands, feet, neck, etc) to do some kissing on also! What a little doll!
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