Saturday, May 16, 2009

Graduation Day for Bradley

Congratulations goes out to our third born, Brad! He graduated last night from our home school association.
I posted a few pictures of our evening. We had a great time with friends and family.
My guys!

Long time friends, Chelsea and Caleb!!

Wonderful church family that came out to support Brad and a few other graduates as well.

My "soul sister", Ginger with her hubby, who happens to be our pastor, and their grandson, Landen. Brooke and Ricky are in the background.

Here comes our graduate.

Our home school organization puts on a very unique, memorable graduation. The head of our school works very hard to make this night perfect for the graduating class. Parts of the evening are similar to traditional school graduations with the salutatorian and valedictorian speeches. However, one thing that makes this graduation different is a slide show of all the students (57 this year) at several different ages of their lives that is shown on the big screens. There are many cheers and sometimes laughter from friends and family as we recognize our loved one. Another difference is that the diploma is given to the student by the parents. A previously recorded message from the parent to the student is played as the student walks up on stage to greet his/her parents and receives the diploma. I apologize for the picture below being so far away but I wanted to give an idea how this all happens. It is a very emotional moment.

After graduation, Brad got to choose the restaurant to continue our celebration. He chose Smokey Bones and it was delicious! The company was great too!!

Well, another child in our family is "getting his wings". This is a bittersweet event for me. Oh, and don't worry, if my little chickadee doesn't fly straight this momma knows how to clip those wings ;-) But in all seriousness, we are definitely covering Brad with our prayers as he steps out into a new area of his life!


Ginger said...

I remember coming to your home for you to get me started with homeschooling. You were holding this little baby in your arms, and yes, it was Bradley.
It was a fun night. Brought back memories of our three that have graduated with Families of Faith.

Unknown said...

i honestly have tears right now and trying not to cry!!!! this is a fabulous picture and pictures of church and church family and precious friends!i luv being up here and learning to love this church and her family but this really brought back memories and me trying to see who all was there, and him growing up, and only 2 more left oh the whole gamet!x0x0x

krackerjap said...

Did we ever figure out why Brad walked in all by himeself?? Was he late for his own graduation??

Love the photo of myself with the huge napkin in my hand. LOL