Friday, February 6, 2009

My Sunflowers Aren't Smiling Like They Use To

Don't they look happy!! Just smiling and lovin life!

I planted sunflower seeds late summer/early fall. I was taking a risk with their survival, I know but we usually have such mild winters I thought they may have a chance. Boy was I wrong! We have had below freezing temps the past three nights. Now for all my family and friends enduring below freezing temperatures, burst water pipes, no power and snow, snow, snow please know I am not complaining ; ) My heart goes out to you all! I know you are looking forward to spring!!
However, here are my lovely sunflowers now:

A sad bunch to say the least! If I had thought about it I would have cut them and had their smiling faces inside the house for a few more days anyway. This little garden is just out my kitchen window and I really enjoyed the beauty of these sunflowers as I was about my daily chores in the kitchen. Oh well, spring is on the way and my seed order is placed. I will try again in a couple of months!


Unknown said...

yes they were bootiful but there is a season for everything. hey, i think i read that somewhere. miss you'll and miss your sunflowers,boohoo.

krackerjap said...
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krackerjap said...

Closer two-six-six-seven....You left us, remember?

And mom~ This is what you do all day when I have the boys? Take pictures of dead flowers?

Anonymous said...

Pam, I will respond to krakerjap for you....Brooke,as was mentioned in a comment above, there is a time and a season for everything. Just think, in another 20 years you can be taking pictures of dead flowers. Now is your time to be taking pictures of your "Johnny-jump-ups" Hang in there!

Boysaplenty!! said...

Well said KayCee! I probably didn't slow down enough to notice the dead flowers when I was in Brooke's season of motherhood. I miss those days but loving where I am at the moment too!!
Love ya,