Monday, December 29, 2008
Animal Rescue 911
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Last Christmas Present
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
T-Bone Wins Round One
That should be a cinch, right? Now I know for all you experienced farmers and horse people out there you are probably shaking your heads and laughing right about now. But you see, we parked this borrowed horse trailer out in our pasture for a couple of weeks and fed Mr T-Bone in it each evening. He would just waltz right in, get his treat and leave. However, we didn't take into account how intelligent cows really are. You might even say this big boy out-smarted US!
On this particular morning, we put his treat in the nose of the trailer just like always. In he went...ahhh so easy...we should be on our way in no time. Brandon, our photographer, had a birds-eye view on top of the goat pen, out of danger.
Then, as soon as we would walk up to the back of the trailer this is what he did...
We tried repeatedly but each time T-Bone was ahead of the game! After awhile we all were sick of that cute -little white patch-steer. And by the end of the morning, we were frustrated. As for T-Bone? Well, he was so mad that he was blowing at us! He was pretty worked up as you can see here.
A couple of weeks later we finally did get him loaded but in a different trailer, a cattle trailer with open sides. I do miss him. Now we look back and laugh at that Saturday morning and at out mistakes too!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Farm Chores Make Strong Boys
I am sure they would RATHER be at the gym but this work out builds character as well as muscle. I have seen a difference in them (character and muscle!) since we have moved here. There are times they tend to get lazy but that can't last for long. There is always a chore to be done! Don't get me wrong, I do have a battle on my hands some days getting them motivated. They know, however, that we can't afford to leave things undone.
One late afternoon, Dad brought home our hay for the winter. We use the hay for bedding in the goat pen until it gets all soiled. Then it goes in the hog pen. I know that's gross but let's face it-hogs are not very clean animals and they don't seem to mind a bit. We also put the hay in the cow pen. On very cold snaps the hogs get fresh hay as well. The chickens need hay for their laying baskets. As you can tell, it is a much needed item on a farm.
Anyway, the older guys had to unload the hay from the trailer and put it in the loft of the barn.
Here they are, so happy to be working at night loading hay. Can't you just see it in their darling faces???
I am very proud of my guys. They have learned many skills that will help them later on when they have a family of their own. Those firm biceps and abs are just an added bonus!!
Have a great day!